Understanding Speed Camera Tolerances in Belgium and Wallonia
Automatic speed cameras have become a common tool for monitoring and reducing excessive speeding on roads. They are also known as speed control radars and are usually situated on busy and hazardous routes. However, it is essential to comprehend the speed camera tolerances, particularly in Belgium and Wallonia.
In Belgium, automatic speed cameras operate with a tolerance margin of 6 km/h for speeds below 100 km/h and 6% for speeds above 100 km/h. For instance, if the speed limit on a road is 90 km/h, the automatic speed camera will not trigger a photo if the measured speed is below 96 km/h. Similarly, if the speed limit is 120 km/h, the camera will not take a photo if the measured speed is below 127.2 km/h.
In Wallonia, automatic speed cameras function with a tolerance margin of 6 km/h for speeds below 100 km/h and 6% for speeds above 100 km/h. However, there are also “danger zones” where the tolerance margin is reduced to 4 km/h. These danger zones are typically located in high-risk areas, such as construction zones or residential areas.
It is important to note that these tolerance margins do not provide total immunity against penalties. Even if you exceed the speed limit by a few kilometers per hour, you risk receiving a fine. Furthermore, the tolerance margin may vary from one radar to another, so it is always best to strictly adhere to speed limits.
However, please be aware that the current tolerance margins might soon be abolished in Belgium. A proposed law was introduced in 2021 to remove these margins to make speed checks more precise and efficient. If this law is adopted, automatic speed cameras will no longer consider the current 6 km/h tolerance for speeds below 100 km/h and 6% tolerance for speeds above 100 km/h. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor future regulatory developments and strictly adhere to speed limits to avoid penalties. Gradually, radar margins will be reviewed and adjusted to be as minimal as possible.
Finally, it is also worth noting that the use of community speed camera files, available on the Lufop.net website, can help avoid penalties. These community speed cameras are created by users themselves, verified, and then added to the database and downloadable files. These files can be downloaded for free and installed on GPS devices and navigation applications to alert drivers of risk zones.
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